The final destination of the journey that was embarked by the royal mummies from the heart of Egyptโ€™s ancient capital Thebes to the heart of our time honored capital Cairo

There at the Egyptian museum in Tahrir square that was inaugurated in 1902 and to date is considered to be one of the most important and renowned museums in the world, as it houses more than 100 thousand artifacts that tell the story of the Egyptian civilization that spanned for thousands of years for more than hundreds of years.

Golden Pharaohs Parade

People from all around the world come curious to know the story, the story of civilization that taught mankind the meaning of being civilized, science and arts, architecture, medicine and astronomy. Providing humanity with the first model of strong state, built on knowledge and faith

And for the first time in the land of civilization a glorious royal parade that moved 22 Egyptian Royal Kings and Queens from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir to another museum prepared to showcase our kingโ€™s and Queenโ€™s mummies in a way that befits their history and civilization and itโ€™s the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat.

One of the biggest cultural museums in the world and is definitely the most unique in Africa and Middle East, The Museum is designed to qualify for for being fully integrated and recreational and cultural hub including several halls equipped with state-of-the-art exhibition and security systems only to recount the chronicles of one of the greatest civilizations known to humanity all the way back from prehistoric ages until modern times.

From the Egyptian Museum to the National Museum of Civilization the kings and queens mummies parade

Ancient Egyptians believed in the soul and its immortality and its eternity in the afterlife which had made them excel in digging and decorating their tombs and master the art of mummification to preserve the mummies

And with the advent of Egyptology and the works of scientific excavation missions in the Egyptian archaeological sites thousands of mummies were discovered but the secret of the mummification process remained a mystery that mesmerized scientists for decades.

And again Egypt dazzles the world with an unrivalled event, 22 mummies of famous kings and queens are ready for a legendary journey to move from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir to the national museum of Egyptian civilization in Fustat.

The Golden Pharaohs Parade From the Egyptian Museum to the Nationa Museum of Civilization

Most of the royal mummies that embarked on this journey have been discovered in two caches:

  • Al deir el bahari cache: inside a tomb in the heart of the mountains of El Deir Al Bahari in west Luxor that was discovered in the year 1881
  • The second cache: was discovered in the year 1898 inside Amenhotep the second tomb in the Valley of the Kings, in the west bank of Luxor

Frpm the Egyptian Museum to the Egyptian National of CivilizationAnd now let us introduce the famous Egyptian kingโ€™s and Queenโ€™s that participated in the unrivalled parade:

King Seqenenreโ€™s mummy: is the oldest withtin the parade, king seqenenre was the one who began the liberation war against the Hyksosand his son Ahmose completed the expulsion of the Hkysos and founded the 18th Dynasty and the New Kingdom, and the rest of the kings and queens embarking in this parade belong to the New Kingdom

The mummies of Queen Ahmose- Nefertari and her son king Amenhotep the first, both had been worshiped for many years after their death.

The mummy of Queen Hatshepsut: She is the Queen who sent the most famous trade expeditions to the land of Punt, is also within the parade, she also built a magnificent temple at Al Deir Al Bahari in Luxor and considered as ab architecture marvel

The Golden parade in Egypt with 22 mummies

King Thutomose IIIโ€™s mummy: he was one of the most important pharaohs throughout the Egyptian History and a genius military leader

The mummy of the king Thutmose IV: he is the one to erect the Dream Stela between the paws of the sphinx in Giza telling the story of how he ascended to the throne.

The mummy of king Amenhotep III and his wife Tiye: the king is well known for his glorious monuments and succeeding and maintaining stability and prosperity along his reign and His wife Queen Tyie is the mother of the famous king Amenhotep IV known as Akhenaten

The mummy of king Sety I: known for his distinguished rock-cut tomb, one of the most beautiful tombs in the Valley of the Kings, the relief in Sety Iโ€™s temple in Abydos are considered one of the most beautiful artistic creation of the New Kingdom

The mummy of Ramses II: the great ancient Egyptian King. Who ruled Egypt for nearly 67 years succeeding his father Sety I, and he is the owner of the first documented peace treaty in the history of mankind and one of his most important monuments is Abu Simble in Aswan that has the solar alignment phenomenon happening on the templeโ€™s sanctuary statues the same day in February and October every year

And the mummy of Ramses II, the second king in the 20th dynasty, who was famous for his ability to protect Egypt from the invasion of the sea people, and he aslo built Medient Habu Temple in west Luxor that considered to be one of the most beautiful and complete Egyptian temples.

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